
Print Journalism is when you are working for a periodical publication, for example a magazine or newspaper.

You are very much a ‘one man band’ within print journalism as you have to come up with the story ideas, do your research, and collate the interviews. That’s why in this industry it is very important to have contacts. Your deadlines are very tight especially if you work in newspapers and truth be known most of the time you will work from a press release or your editor will tell you to cover a story.


Broadcast journalism consists of radio and television. There is more team work involved, for example within television journalism there is you the camera and sound person. You may have a producer working with you as well; finally you will have an editor. But words of warning within broadcast journalism you have to remember you are a reporter and not a celebrity as this can often confuse people. You still have to do the research, story idea, and collate the interview but at least you will have a team working with you.

To do broadcast journalism it is important that you learn about television or radio production, and yes the pay is better than print journalism however most journalists that have gone into broadcast always started off in print. The reason being is you can gain your core skills in journalism such as sticking to extremely tight deadlines, interviewing techniques, and writing styles.


In this industry be aware that you will need to work under pressure, and others will be critical of your work such as you’re editor so if you cannot handle the heat it is best to get out of the kitchen.

Source by Marie Telfor